Vitamin A

Notable fruits: Cantaloupe melons, yellow passion fruit, apricots, Japanese Persimmons, loquats, papayas, grapefruit

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin essential for treating various deficiency issues. It is considered as a potent “medicine” for the immune system. It also helps keep the mucous membranes and skin cells in good condition by keeping them moist, ensuring that the cells do not get damaged. It is also very useful in minimizing the risks of cancers since vitamin A helps in inhibiting the DNA production in carcinogenic cells. It is very useful to mitigate illnesses such as respiratory anomalies (viral), measles, and it can also help in keeping certain viruses like HIV from developing.

Different fruits

Vitamin B1

Notable fruits: Raw Tamarind, frozen durian, orange peel, breadfruit, Sugar apples, raw oranges, grapes (American variety), Cherimoya

One of the B vitamins, B1 or Thiamine as the first B vitamins to be discovered. It is under the B complex category since like other B vitamin components, it is capable of converting food into glucose that can be used to fuel the body. They help in the proper functioning of the nervous system as well as the brain. Since this is water soluble, it is only available when consumed through food or supplements. B1 is specifically useful to address particular metabolic reactions. It is particularly necessary in the production of ATP or Adenosine triphosphate which us used by all cells of or body as energy.

Vitamin B2

Notable fruits: frozen durian, tamarind, avocados, longans, passion fruit juice, jackfruit, custard apple, kumquats, lemon peel

Another B-Vitamin, B2 or Riboflavin reacts in similar ways as other B vitamins. However, its special feature is that it acts as an antioxidant and it is very helpful in preventing the accumulation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause damage in a cellular level, and it can also affect the DNA and that is why antioxidants are necessary for cancer prevention. Free radicals also speed up the aging process and can affect the heart. Riboflavin is essential for other B vitamins like folate and B6 since B2 synthesizes these two components to usable forms.

Vitamin B6

Notable fruits: bananas, durian, plantain, avocado, elderberries, orange and lemon peels, casaba melons, mango, figs, guavas

Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine and is an essential water soluble vitamin. Its main function in the body is diverse. It is essential in the formation of antibodies to kill diseases. It is necessary in maintaining nerve functions. It also helps in the production of hemoglobin in the blood. It is also necessary to break down proteins to usable constituents so if you eat tons of meat, you need to supply your body with enough vitamin B6. It also has a regulatory function, maintaining the glucose levels to normal. Deficiency can lead to nervous problems, mouth sores, depression and irritability.

Vitamin C

Notable fruits: Acerola, guava, black currants, orange and lemons, litchis, jujube, persimmons, strawberries, pineapples, pummelo, longans

Vitamin C is very useful for the effective repair and growth of tissues in the body. It is a component in the formation of a unique protein that is found in the skin, tendons, blood vessels and ligaments. It helps in the faster healing of wounds and it aids in the formation of scar tissues. It can also help the oral cavity and bones by maintaining the health condition of cartilages and teeth. It is another form of antioxidant and it helps in warding off the formation of free radicals in the cells. It is also a preventative vitamin that minimizes or dampens the hit of certain illnesses.