So the newest member of the family is here and you as a mother should be taking up full responsibility to provide the best kind of care and nutrition for your baby. The first thing that a newborn needs is to get immunized and the healthy food for them is mother’s milk. It is vital for every baby and should not be denied to the child. A baby needs to eat or drink every few hours. So if you are a working mom invest in suction pumps and store your milk to be fed to your child by someone. Continue this for up to 6 months.

Ask your baby’s doctor on how to increase the intake of vitamin D for your child. Vitamin D deficiency cases are rising in children these days. So protect your child beforehand. Vitamin D ensures that the child has strong bones and teeth. Also food with B12, Calcium, Iron and Zinc are necessary for a baby’s diet.

Whatever you do, check with a doctor first, as with a newborn or a child, you can’t take chances.